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Kamis, 30 Agustus 2012

Easy Pear Cake - Pear #3

  This cake is simple to make and delicious to eat. No fancy arrangement and all the pears are dumped into the batter. Generous and every bite is deemed to have some pear. You won’t feel the textural difference as the pears were soft after baking and yum yum.. delish! The cake is basically sweetened with pears and not sugar. I used only 50gm of sugar here and way lot more of pears.
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Selasa, 28 Agustus 2012

Pear Pound Cake Gratin - Pear #2

Remember my Coconut Lemon Raspberry Perfect Party Cake? The original recipe didn't work well for me and boy was I glad when I saw this recipe on Helene's blog. Pound cake gratin! Perfect way to use up not so nice to eat pound cakes or butter cakes or similiar stuff.
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Minggu, 26 Agustus 2012

Cinnamon Vanilla Poached Pears - Pears #1

I am beginning to love pears. I used to hate pears.

I never liked western pears. I have always preferred Asian pears that are juicy and very juicy. Western pears seems harder, sometimes astringent and more things that could end up sticking between my teeth. Maybe back in those days, there is only Packham pears available. Yes, those days when fresh lemons were unheard of. It's just calamansi or green limes available should one ever need some citric acid besides oranges.
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Kamis, 16 Agustus 2012

Chicken Fried in Dry Coconut Sambal~Ayam Kalasan Berseri - Ayam #3

The description that Zurin made for this dish, made me interested straight away. It was the mention of delicious scraps! I love fried chicken scraps. They are sometimes more delicious than the chicken itself, LOL. In this case, it's coconut scraps. Sounds good eh :)
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Selasa, 14 Agustus 2012

Malay Red Cooked Chicken~ Ayam Masak Merah- Ayam #2

Recipe recreated on 17 May 2012

When I was a kid, there was a nasi lemak stand operating across the road from our family's coffee stall. That was my first encounter with Ayam Masak Merah. The abang only sold each piece of chicken for 80 cents(25 years ago). I wonder how he makes money out of it, whereas regular fried chicken were at least RM1 per piece that time.
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Minggu, 12 Agustus 2012

Chicken Rendang - Ayam #1

Yummy! Raise your hands for those don’t like this. Not me.

Rendang is a Malay dish and can be done using beef or chicken. Beef rendang taste best with a sweet end. But not the chicken version. I did not add in any sugar, but the taste is pretty balanced. Although the ingredients are almost the same, the outcome is different.

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Sabtu, 11 Agustus 2012

Banana Greek Yogurt Cake

that missing corner was gobbled by my prince who happened to be in his high chair and was in reach of it

I thought this post will never be done. Until this month's Aspiring Baker's theme is Lightened Up Cakes.
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Kamis, 09 Agustus 2012

Au Naturel Rainbow Pancake Cake - Pancakes #3

My pretty, kawaii niece Arianna was going to have her first birthday and I'm in charge of her cake! Haha, as always, the favourite aunt of all my nieces, LOL. I do try to use natural colours and pigments whenever I can and am always excited to experiment.

Once during a tea party at Swee San's, she made a beautiful natural rainbow cake and it made all of us WOW! It was from her creation that I was inspired to try making mine, au naturel.
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Selasa, 07 Agustus 2012

Minggu, 05 Agustus 2012

Kiwi Buttermilk Pancakes - Pancakes #1

I saw the use of kiwi in buttermilk pancakes in a local women’s magazine, but I didn’t note down the recipe, but I knew it used buttermilk. It was very pretty.
I have never used buttermilk before this. I mean buttermilk from the carton. The cultured buttermilk that I’ve got looked like watered down yogurt. If you add lemon juice/vinegar to milk, that is not buttermilk but soured milk. It can give you similar results, but not as good
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Sabtu, 04 Agustus 2012

Roti John - MFF Melaka #4

John's Toast. LOL. A Susie yesterday and a John today. Sounds cannabilistic eating these, joking :p

I'm not sure if the person who invented this is named John because there's no information at all on the internet about its origins. Even though we do not know where this toast evolved from, it's a known fact that it's really popular in Melaka, especially in Pantai Puteri,Tanjung Kling, Melaka. Read Vkeong's review on Barkat's Roti John. GPS information is included.
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Kamis, 02 Agustus 2012

Durian Cendol - MFF Melaka #3

I first had durian cendol more than14 years ago at Tan Kim Hock Melaka. Back then, it wasn't served in that fancy wasteful flower shaped carboard handled container. See here and here. I think now, San Shu Gong is more popular for this, and is served in a wasteful fancy durian printed cardboard handled container. Frankly I'm more comfortable without that handle thingy. It's a waste of money and resources. And the cost is just absorbed by the customer, us.
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Rabu, 01 Agustus 2012

Pang Susi - MFF Melaka #2

This bun is called pang susi, bun Susie, pan susie…. no matter how it's spelt, it's a special bun from the Kristang community in Melaka. No, there's no girl inside this bun, not a girl named Susie. The inside is a sweetish spiced minced pork filling wrapped with sweet potato dough.
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