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Senin, 17 Oktober 2011

Thank you and now it's Giveaway time!!!

First and foremost, I want to thank one person.
Swee San.

It was Swee San who messaged me one morning, telling me to join this contest.
Before this I sort of knew there's one Masterchef thingy of which is not the real thing going on with Nuffnangers..but I never take note of it. I didn't bother about it. Swee San urged me to join, saying that.. I've got a huge chance to win it.  I was like.... ok. But both of us were clear that the prize was indeed attractive, but it's something other than the prize that is what we are looking for.

Swee San helped gather lots of info for me, from other contestants entries for submission, to screening the first round of semi's information. She helped me forcast and find recipes. She was my utmost support for this whole event. She even ferried me to the Semis and was there through out the Semis and Finals, taking pics for me, video cameraing me.. and she even compiled a video in Youtube for me.

What else can I say, but THANK YOU. Thank you so much Swee San.
Click to continue ..........

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