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Rabu, 31 Juli 2013

Perak Food Fest.. the last of MFF

OMG... This is the last month for MFF.
Time flies!
Do visit Shannon's blog for her KL/ Selangor Food Fest  round up

As you all know, I am from Perak, proudly saying I am a Perakian and specifically a Kamparian.
Currently I am staying in the royal town, Kuala Kangsar due to my husband's location.

Perak is a state that was built from tin mining during its days of glory. In the 1890s, Perak, with the richest alluvial deposits of tin in the world was one of the jewels in the crown of the British Empire.

The modern history of Perak began with the fall of the Malacca Sultanate. Raja Muzaffar Shah, (the eldest son of the last Sultan of Melaka, Sultan Mahmud Shah) fled the Portuguese conquest of 1511 and established his own dynasty on the banks of the Sungai Perak (Perak River) in 1528. It is the only state with direct lineage from Parameswara, the founder of Malacca Sultanate.

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