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Kamis, 28 November 2013

Light Rye Bread - Loaves #3

My first bread with the crippled mixer. I was so happy when I made this. My first pullman loaf!

The bread is not light, but kind of heavy, like how rye bread should be. But the texture is tender and spongy, with a bouncy mouth feel. I don't know how to describe it the best, but it's quite unique. This recipe is inspired from KitchenAid's cookbook, but I twisted it as I didn't have quite a few of the ingredients.

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Selasa, 26 November 2013

Wholemeal Cream Bread - Loaves #2

I've  been chatting with my friends on FB  about getting a Made in China mixer known called B5 or B7. Still thinking thinking.. another US KA or China B5/7. Decisions decisions.

If not bread baking will retire in my home. Or maybe partially retire because bread made with all purpose flour could still be managed with manual kneading

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Minggu, 24 November 2013

Oatmeal Sandwich Bread - Loaves #1

The texture was  better after some tweaking with the yeast

I made this almost 2 years ago. I never posted this as I was still looking for the perfect shot, but after  6 months with the new mixer (that time), my mojo for baking bread loaves fizzzled. The shots weren't as nice  as I wished because I just moved in the house that time. I wasn't very sure of the  lighting spots and my use of the camera is very different than now.

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Kamis, 21 November 2013

Orange Cream Cake - Orange #3

This recipe is from one of my cookbooks that I have to use with caution.
I like the idea of this cake and wondering how will the taste be like... with that amount of cornstarch.

Actually I used a combination of meyer lemons and orange for this cake. The meyer lemons had been with me for a very very long time and I am soooo sorry Alan, LOL. I finally used them up in this cake. I do find meyer lemons to taste similar to a sourish orange, that's why I combined them. The original recipe used orange only.

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Selasa, 19 November 2013

Blood Orange Almond Cake - Orange Week #2

Alan gave me some Moro blood oranges some time ago.

Lately in current years, we do get blood oranges here, but mostly of the Cara-cara variety. Moro is hard to get unless you go to Indulgence,Ipoh where they sell it for RM6/100gm. It's a cut throat price.

I decided to turn some of  them into a visually appealing bake to make full use of the vibrant colour that is sooooooo pretty.

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Minggu, 17 November 2013

Orange Pound Cake - Orange Week #1

This is a very old recipe that I learnt from school's home science class.
Looking back.. it's been 20 years  since I last made this.

Memory of the wonderful smell emitting from the kitchen drawing the boys to peek into our  kitchen whenever they go to pee was funny, as the male students' toilet was not far from where we were.
When we got back to class, the boys even tried to snatch some of our cakes, but we all protected them well.

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Kamis, 07 November 2013

Khao Soi @ Northern Thai Curry Noodle - Thai Curries AFF #5

Khao Soi or sometimes written as Khao soy is a Burmese influenced dish that is  popular in northern Thailand.

I wasn't sure if the recipes in English were right on the I referred to one that made from scratch. I believed that the north and south's curries will be very different and hence refused to believe there will be any red curry paste. I also refused to believe that there is curry powder.,.. or maybe not the type of curry powder we have here that is Indian curry powder.

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Selasa, 05 November 2013

Shark and Pumpkin Thai Red Curry - Thai Curries AFF #4

When I saw this recipe.. the slices of chicken looked sooo enticing, and the pumpkin just sends my Ooo-Lala siren going off.

But I wanted to try something different, and changed the chicken to shark as I happened to have it. Red curry is very versatile and you can use any type of protein.

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Senin, 04 November 2013

Thai Red Curry Paste - Thai AFF #3

For this month's AFF, It's Thailand. The land of smiles.

Thailand is famous for its curries of which is different from Indian curries that uses a lot of spices. Instead Thai curries uses herbs and aromatics as well on top of some spices.

The Thais have red, yellow and green colours for their curries, differentiated by the colours of the ingredients. The use is also different for each type. Red curry is one of most versatile curry pastes and can be used for meat, poultry, seafood and vegetables.

Red curry paste is the basic ingredient for making Thai Red Curry.

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Minggu, 03 November 2013

Pork Panang Curry - Thai Curries AFF #2

We seriously love this!

If you avoid consuming coconut milk, then it's hard for you to make this because I used 350ml coconut milk to cook this plate of curry. Personally, I love coconut milk for it's health benefits with all the short and middle chain fatty acids that used to be confused as BAD. Rich with lauric acid that benefits the heart. It helps with weight loss and I will need it desperately if I ever get Alzheimers. Read here . 

If you have never drank freshly squeezed coconut milk, you don't know what you're missing. That's why you always see coconut trees in places that people nickname as Paradise! Joking.

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