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Kamis, 28 Februari 2013

Sting Ray Asam Pedas - MFF Johor #1

Oh Johor!

I've spent 3 years in this state. 1 year right in the state capital Johor Bahru (JB) and 2 more years in a bordering area, Selancar of which I'll step into Segamat at least 3 times during the weekdays.

I remembered my year in Johor and that was the best Ramadan experience ever. Usually, the food sold at Ramadan bazaars are a gamble, with 60% 'not delicious' risk, and a very high 'yuck' risk for kuihs. But in JB, I have never bought a kuih that is not delicious. Well, it may not be to my liking, but generally, the taste is good because they don't skimp on the ingredients. Coconut milk is used generously. But to be fair, the price is also higher in JB, but that is worth it. I'd pay for quality kuihs that won't end up in the bin. I don't want to waste my money.

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Rabu, 27 Februari 2013

Sweet Potato 'Better' Brownies - Sweet Potato #3

I won’t say this is a healthy brownie, but just a better choice. That is if you want to use less sugar for a fudgy moist brownie. Brownies typically need lots of butter and sugar for that delicious mouthfeel and when one uses sweet potatoes, it acts like a humectant that retains moisture and it also lends natural sweetness to the batter.

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Selasa, 26 Februari 2013

Caramelized Sweet Potato - Sweet Potato #2

Grandaunt is the type of person who likes to repeat dishes. Don’t tell her you like it, if not you eat that at least 4 times in a week. Serious! Ask my brother about her infamous bean paste fish, he’ll puke if he ever thinks of that now. Or the ex workers of my mom’s salon who in the end got so sick of her Fish Paste Stuffed tofu that they picked the fish paste and left the vege carcass behind, and that made grandaunt furious. She has this notorious habit of repeating dishes and she hates it when people refuse to eat anymore. LOL.

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Minggu, 24 Februari 2013

Sweet Potato and Feta Quickbread - Sweet Potato #1

A good and nutritious breakfast item. One that you can can prepare the day before, combine the batter and bake the next day for breakie.

I have achieved 4 Firsts with this simple quickbread. Sage, feta, sweet potato and nutmeg.

I’ve cooked with sage before, but never baked with it. I was totally taken by this recipe due to the use of sage in this. I have a huge sage plant in my garden. Almost 3 ft high now! I was glad the recipe called for amount of sage leaves, not counted in sprigs and that makes it easier to get the right amount. The fragrance is there, but not overpowering. It complements the bread very well.

The original recipe called for chevre, of which is a type of soft goat’s cheese. I can’t get that here and had to settle for feta, and even that is not real feta. It’s cow’s feta. Real feta is made with goat’s milk. I have never had feta before. I purposely went to buy some feta because I really wanted to try out this cake. The feta is really yummy and soft, but also salty. I might have broken up the cheese too much so can’t really get them in chunks in the bread.

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Kamis, 21 Februari 2013

Waxed Meat Glutinous Rice 腊肉糯米饭 - Waxed Meat #3

I was infected by fellow blogger Bee Bee to cook glutinous rice. I saw her mouthwatering picture on Facebook and I just just just have to have some the next day. I can't have it on the same day as the rice needs some time to soak, and I already had my meals planned out that day.

This dish is tedious to do..but worth the effort. I hate slicing shallots and waxed meat is not that easy to cut, especially waxed duck. I made this small portion for family consumption, and posted a shot of it on FB. I didn't think much about blogging about it.  But after a few nudges from fellow friends.. okay.. I'll do it. Luckily I still have a portion of rice left for photography, LOL!

Facebook is a contagious thing. It spreads calories, LOL.
I hope that my fellow FB friends will like it as much as I do.

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Selasa, 19 Februari 2013

Vermicelli Aglio Olio with Chinese Sausage - Waxed Meat #2

One kick ass idea from Peng. LOL. Love ya Peng.

I love aglio olio. The fragrant garlic makes this pasta dish soooo appetizing and not that cloying to eat. And when fusioned with Chinese sausage, double the enjoyment.
The Chinese sausage is used in place of bacon..and imagine honeyed bacon.. OOOOOooooooooo....

I chose to use spring onion instead of parsley to add more oriental touch to it. Remember to slowly cook the garlic until it dries up before you toss in the cooked pasta. If not, it won't be nice, seriously!

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Minggu, 17 Februari 2013

Steamed Chicken with Waxed Meat - Wax Meat #1

*More nourish mag winners below this post*

A simple dish that will make you eat and eat and eat more rice.

Easy to do and definitely lovable to gobble.
Thanks Jes for sharing this wonderful recipe.

This was my first time using waxed pork belly and it was delicious!

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