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Kamis, 21 Februari 2013

Waxed Meat Glutinous Rice 腊肉糯米饭 - Waxed Meat #3

I was infected by fellow blogger Bee Bee to cook glutinous rice. I saw her mouthwatering picture on Facebook and I just just just have to have some the next day. I can't have it on the same day as the rice needs some time to soak, and I already had my meals planned out that day.

This dish is tedious to do..but worth the effort. I hate slicing shallots and waxed meat is not that easy to cut, especially waxed duck. I made this small portion for family consumption, and posted a shot of it on FB. I didn't think much about blogging about it.  But after a few nudges from fellow friends.. okay.. I'll do it. Luckily I still have a portion of rice left for photography, LOL!

Facebook is a contagious thing. It spreads calories, LOL.
I hope that my fellow FB friends will like it as much as I do.

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