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Selasa, 11 Maret 2014

Flourless Nutella Souffle Cake - Nutella week #2

Sometimes I am greedy.

I saw Nutella going ‘Buy 1 Free 1’ and so I grabbed 4 and paid for 2. I knew the expiry is in 4 month’s time. Usually this is a Fast Moving 'Edible' Good in my household so 4 jars is no big deal. But no no no! During Christmas season and then all the pre-CNY preparation has left these jars of deliciousness untouched in the cabinet. By the time I remembered them it was 1 month to expiry.

I had to bake with them in order to use them up ASAP.

This is my first bake with Nutella, no joke. Usually I am too scroogy to use this in bakes as Nutella is quite expensive. The Nutella Chiffon cake was baked a week after this cake.

Click to continue ..........

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