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Minggu, 01 April 2012

Coconut Raspberry Lemon Cake - Rasps Whole Cakes # 1

Actually… I made this cake based on Dorie Greenspan’s Perfect Party Cake. But, somehow cakes calling for the method that mixes butter with flour and lastly with eggs just never finds favour with me. They refuse to rise well. I was slicing the cake, preparing to frost it....... hesitating..... whether I should continue with or not with a not so fluffy cake. In the end, I decided, NOPE. So, I dumped the cake into the fridge and quickly made another cake, with a trusted method that I am comfortable with. Make a sponge using the chiffon method. There's only 2 hours left to serving time. It was my FIL's birthday.
Click to continue ..........

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