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Sabtu, 14 April 2012

New plants and herbs, and update on my Strawberries - Random Sunday

It's been quite a while since I've last posted my plants.
I've been adding more plants and there'll be more to come.

New Plants
I bought my western herbs from those mini pots found at Jaya Grocer and BIG. Transplated them to the pot and they grew soooooo big. None died , so far :)

Cost me RM60 for this pot

I'm suspecting this is lemon thyme, but when I bought it, the label says just Thyme

Updates on previously featured plants

It's growing like mad, trying to creep everywhere!

My strawberries. Never flowered, but kept on having babies. I have more than 10 plants all around my garden.

Do you know what are these?
Sometimes things just pop out in my garden because I throw my food waste all around and let them rot.

Looks likea fruit tree sapling....but what is it? I dunno

I'm suspecting it's orange.

Calamansi??? Err... I don't know.

What is this thang??? I suspect it's edible
It looked like Sawtooth Coriander (刺芫荽)when it was small, but it's huge now (even bigger now, today!)
It actually tasted like English parsley.
It has no flowers, so that makes it super hard to identify

Please help me with this final pic

More to come the next round,
local herbs and a fruiting plant that caught me by surprise.

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