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Selasa, 31 Juli 2012

Ikan Gerang Asam, Nyonya Tamarind Fish - MFF Melaka #1

My first submission to Malaysian Food Fest, Melaka Month. Being the organizer, I am commited to submit minimal 3 entries per month. For Melaka, I have prepared 4. Come and join us, it's not only for bloggers. Have some fun recreating something in your own kitchen. Have some "Melaka" at home :)

One of my favourite ways to eat fish is with asam sauce. There are a few types of asam pedas. The method that I normally cook it, is using Johor's method. I only found out it's Johor's method after doing some reading up regarding asam pedas for this event. Northern states like Kedah and Perlis, employs a slightly different method to cook it compared to the southern states.
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