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Selasa, 09 Oktober 2012

Pork Noodle ~ Chu Yoke Fun - Soupy Noodles #2

Frankly, I have never eaten this before I went to KL to study. It seems to be everywhere in KL, but I haven’t seen this around in other places that much. Is it so? Maybe I didn't notice. But this definitely didn’t exist in Kampar back then. My first experience was eating in USJ Goodyear Court 5.

This bowl of noodles calls for pork overload. To non pork eaters: I’m sorry, but this is so so delicious.

There was once in my life where I abstained from pork for almost 2 years. Not even touching Cha Siew Pau, serious. Somehow during 1996-1998, pork seemed to smell horrible. There’s a smell that lingers in my nose after eating it. That was why I was so so scared to eat it. Even some noodles that were cooked in pork bones broth smell horrible to me. I have partially recovered from this phobia, but not totally. I’m still sensitive to the smell. Nowadays, if I happen to eat pork that has this smell, I’ll ban that shop right away. But homecooked pork don’t have this problem. Wonder why?

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