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Kamis, 01 November 2012

Tomatoes in Sour Gravy ~ Air Asam Tomato

The perfect side dish for Nasi Daging Kedah

Air Asam Tomato  (Tomatoes in Sour Gravy)
Recipe referred : Rinnchan

1 red onion, sliced
1 tsp finely sliced bird’s eye chilli
3 Tbsp lime juice
2 Tbsp sugar
½ -3/4 tsp salt
1 Tbsp fish sauce
1-2 Tbsp vinegar (or more lime juice)
1 tsp finely minced torch ginger bud
2.5 cups diced tomatoes
Chinese parsley (daun sup) for garnish

1. Mix sliced red onion with lime juice, sugar, salt, chilli and fish sauce. Let it sit for 1 hour.
2. Taste it and adjust with vinegar and more salt if needed. It should be sourish, spicy and a saltiness level that is just right (not oversalted).
3. Just before serving, mix in minced torch ginger and diced tomatoes.
4. Serve this with nasi daging/beef rice

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