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Minggu, 03 Maret 2013

Kacang Phool - MFF Johor # 2

Foul Beans.... That's what stated on the can. No joke, they are foul beans.

Ok ok.. they are commonly known as fava beans or broad beans. I bought this can of fava beans from Jusco for less than RM3. I can't get them in Tesco. Not sure about other places. Initially I wanted to be ambitious and wanted to use raw beans. I used to think that these beans are common in Malaysia, but it seems that even Indian grocery shops don't carry this bean even though it's a common fare at Indian snack stalls. We fondly call those stalls as kacang putih stalls and the Indian uncle selling the snacks as kacang putih man. It's those large crispy fried beans that has a dark skin, that we usually remove before eating... that one! Yes, those beans.

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