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Selasa, 05 Maret 2013

Telur Pindang ~ Leaf Braised Eggs - MFF Johor #3

Telur pindang is a traditional delicacy of those of Javanese descent in Johor. The eggs are simmered for 3 days 3 nights in a concoction of leaves and spices, sometimes up to 7 days 7 nights. It is said to be the food of the olden day traders who travel for days because this egg could keep for 2 weeks. It is a common door gift used in Malay Weddings especially for the Johoreans, but it is used in other states too, because it is more special than regular hard boiled eggs used in Bunga Telur

I'm am used to eating braised eggs, but usually the Chinese style. Tea eggs is one of my favourites. This is something similar but not the same. 

During my year in Johor, I have seen it before, but never eaten any there, because I didn't know what it was. That brown shiny egg sitting at my favourite soto stall. (wonder why mine is dull)
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