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Selasa, 16 April 2013

Coffee Marble Cheesecake - Baked Cheesecakes #2

I created this cheesecake for a wedding reception of 150 guests.

My husband's cousin got married last November. The groom's mother, our aunt, requested that I bake some desserts for the reception because the only dessert the caterer offered was fresh fruits.

I made quite a number of things and 2 cheesecakes. One of the cheesecakes is this. The other is a light tasting slightly fluffy orange cheesecake. I planned it in such a way that the guests will have some taste and textural contrast, and everything is bite sized. The rest of the dessert was Designer Chocolate Baby Grands, Kumquat Almond Tea Cakes, Vanilla Cream Puffs and Rainbow Jelly. I wanted to make more, but time  and manpower was a constraint. I was the only person doing almost everything until the final 12 hours. Baking is easy, cleaning up is not.

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