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Senin, 01 April 2013

Tahi Itik~ Duck Poop- MFF Kelantan #2

2nd attempt

Kelantanese kuihs have very cute names.

It's not made of poop. It's made from the remnants, that is duck egg whites from the eggs made into jala mas. Tahi can also mean remnants instead of poop. But is usually understood as the latter.

My Kelantanese friends never introduced this to me. Instead I got to know of its existence through Raykinzoku's site. After thoroughly reading the site, I found out that he is the brother of my colleague in Selancar. I noticed the relation because of one post.. the one regarding the earthquake and so I called up Sofia. The funny thing is that Sofia doesn't know her brother has a blog until I told her The world is kind of small. It's been years since I last heard from this dear friend.

Ok ok, It was through this site that I found a family who made very delicious Kelantanese fare, so good that they supply to the palace for royal occasions. Raykinzoku knew because he is one  :) I was so glad that the royal kuih maker resided not far from town, quite near the hotel where I stayed when I visited Kota Bahru. But I did need to ask around to make sure I got the right house. Even my fluent Malay can't get me around town much as I can't understand them, but they can surely understand me.
The Kelantanese speak in a special dialect that is indigenous only to the Kelantanese that outsiders may barely understand.

Click to continue ..........

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