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Sabtu, 03 Agustus 2013

Fun Chai 粉仔 @ Sliced Noodles with Long Beans - Breakie in Kampar - Perak MFF #3

This is the other noodle from Tall Man@ Gou Lou from Kampar's morning market. Yesterday I posted his Jicama CCF.

It's a very traditional noodle that is actually homemade by Tall Man. It resembles silver needle noodles, but in a coarser form. People not from Kampar might not enjoy the noodles as much as we do, as most of us grew up eating this. It's something that we can't get elsewhere. It taste something like a short udon.

There is another stall in Kampar that sells this, said to be his relative, but people still throng to his stall because it is the best.

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