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Selasa, 13 Agustus 2013

Kampar Beef Brisket Noodles, Onn Kee copycat 金宝牛腩面 - Perak MFF #6

Onn Kee Beef noodles..... It has been around town for 3 generations, minimum.Probably more than 80 years as the 3rd generation are my school mates.

In those days.. way before the 90's... Onn Kee was situated infront of Gospel Hall, at the foothills of Golden Dragon Garden. The stall operates from late afternoon up to past midnight catering to all those supper folks.
Each time one passes by that junction, the smell of the beef brisket just permeates the air. Intoxicating.. in a good way.

And I heard, some purposely ask for the leftovers from yesterday, as those taste even better!

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