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Jumat, 02 Agustus 2013

Jicama Stuffed Rice Rolls - Breakie in Kampar - Perak MFF #2

There's one particular stall in the market that everybody loves.
The man is tall and hence, nicknamed Tall Man (高佬, Gou Lou). (video of him below)

Tall Man sells 2 things at his stall, sometimes 3. The 2 main things that he sells is Fun Chai (blogging tomorrow) and Jicama Rice Rolls. Sometimes he has plain rice noodles too, not always. He's been selling for many many years, more than 30 years, some say 40 years and I practically grew up eating his noodles. He's grown old, hunched and no longer as tall as he was. The breakfast that he sells is well loved by most and it'll be pretty sad if no one takes over, if he feels like stopping.

Click to continue ..........

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