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Selasa, 27 Agustus 2013

Laksa Kuala Kangsar - Perak MFF #9

Kuala Kangsar or some fondly call "Kuale" is the royal town of Perak.
I have been calling this town, home, for the last 6 years.

When I first came here... I was told laksa was nice. It was such a big thing in this town that they even have a Laksa Complex. It's actually a food court, not a tall building, to house laksa sellers from around town into one place. When you walk in, all you see are laksa stalls and cendol stalls. But there are still quite many laksa stalls around town. Famous ones include Laksa Station and Laksa Pak Ngah. The Chinese in town also sells laksa that taste similar, unlike the Chinese in other Perak towns that sells assam laksa mostly. Favourite Chinese laksa sellers are the ones infront of BHP petrol station and the one at Highland Park's junction.

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