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Kamis, 10 Januari 2013

Arrowhead Fishcakes 煎慈菇鱼饼 - Arrowhead #3

I love this fishcake, my hubby was so so. It has a slight crunch to it due to the arrowheads. It’s not the usual springy springy type. Reuben loved it and took 3 himself. This is also suitable for bentos.

I happen to have yellowtail fusilier(ikan tauhu) in my freezer, you can use mackerel if you want, but I think you might need lesser if you are using mackerel. The fish is there to for flavour only, the arrowhead provides texture. I might have been greedy to double the fish that what I should be using. LOL. You might want to try the original ratio that is 1 part fish to 4 parts arrowheads, so that you will taste more arrowhead.

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